Updated on: July 26th, 2024

Maine LLC Fees – How Much Will an LLC in Maine Cost?

Hire Professionals to Start a Maine LLC For You

A Maine limited liability company, or LLC, is a legal business form that offers a flexible management structure, lower taxation, and personal asset protection. To incorporate an LLC in Maine, you must first choose a business name, appoint a registered agent, and file a Certificate of Formation with the Secretary of State’s Division of Corporations, UCC, and Commissions.

If your LLC satisfies the necessary requirements, company owners in the state of Maine may benefit from a number of tax credits and incentives offered by the Maine Department of Economic & Community Development. For instance, the Small Enterprise Development Fund offers small enterprises with the potential for rapid growth and social value early investments in patient capital, generally between $150,000 and $350,000.

Maine is archaic, only accepting filings in person or by mail. Regular processing costs $175 in filing fees. Discouraged? Don’t be afraid. After reading our handy dandy guide to Maine LLC formation, your business will be ready to take off.

Don’t hesitate to read our full guide on Maine LLC formation here.

Forming LLC in Maine: Various Costs

Fee for Forming an LLC in Maine$175
Maine’s Annual Report Fee$85 & $50 (for penalty)
Fee for Registered Agent$35
Cost in Maine to Form a Foreign LLC$250
Reservation of Maine LLC Name$20
DBA (Doing Business As) Name$125
Certified Document Copies$5
Existence Certificate$30

$175 – Fee for Forming an LLC in Maine

The $175 price to file your LLC’s Certificate of Formation with the Maine Secretary of State by mail is the most expensive part of incorporating an LLC. In order to incorporate an LLC in Maine, you must first file a Certificate of Formation. This is the legal document that formalizes your company! There is currently no online filing option, thus you must submit by mail or in person.

$85 & $50 (for penalty) – Maine’s Annual Report Fee

Every year, by June 1, all Maine LLCs doing business must file an Annual Report with the Maine Secretary of State. You may get a preprinted annual report form from the Secretary of State’s website. You’ll need your LLC’s state charter number to utilize the online form. LLCs must file an annual report with the Secretary of State in Maine. This form can be submitted to the Maine Secretary of State online. It must be submitted by June 1st. Failure to file on time in Maine carries a $50 penalty.

$35 – Fee for Registered Agent

A $35 registration fee is required to appoint someone as your Registered Agent. You must ensure that the person or organization you select is legally permitted to do so. Our Maine Registered Agent Service will help you find an agent.

If you’d prefer, you can act as the LLC’s Registered Agent.

$250 – Cost in Maine to Form a Foreign LLC

If you currently have an LLC established in another state and want to extend your business into Maine, you’ll need to register it as a foreign LLC. The cost of forming a foreign LLC in Maine is $250. A Statement of Foreign Qualification to Conduct Activities is required to form a foreign LLC in Maine (Form MLLC-12).

Permits and Licenses for Businesses

You may need to get specific licenses before starting a business in Maine, depending on the sort of business you’re establishing and where you’re situated in the state. For instance, before serving customers, a restaurant must get a “Food Service Certification” from the Department of Health.

You must confirm the specific licensing requirements with both the state and the individual localities.

Which business licenses are frequently necessary for Maine LLCs? In order to do business in line with state law if your company is in a regulated area, you most likely need some kind of professional license. Alarm permits, construction permits, and zoning permits are all widely used at the local level. General business licenses are also available in several communities in Maine.

Maine LLC Total Costs and the Best Alternatives

The charge for forming an LLC in Maine is $175. If you pay an extra charge, the Secretary of State’s office will expedite your file. Payment of $50 is required for services that are available round-the-clock. $100 is the charge for same day expedited filing. Once your paperwork and expedited request have been received, the time begins ticking.

Who forms the LLC?Total fees
You form the LLC in Maine yourself$175 + ($85 Annual Report + $20 Reservation of LLC Name + $30 Existence Certificate)
by using ZenBusiness$49+
by using Northwest Registered Agent$39/mo
see our other top-rated LLC service providersvaries

Other Fees for Forming a Maine LLC

There are a few extra costs involved with forming an LLC:

$20 – Reservation of Maine LLC Name

While you gather the rest of your papers, you may reserve your company name for $20. Your desired company name is yours exclusively for 120 days after you reserve it. The name is then yours for as long as you wish it once you file your initial paperwork.

The LLC name must finish with “Limited Liability Company,” “LLC,” or “L.L.C.” Without authorization, the name cannot be the same as or deceptively similar to that of any domestic or foreign-qualified LLC. A reserved name cannot be used in the name. The name may not include any term or phrase implying that it is organized for any purpose prohibited by Maine law.

$125 – Name of “Doing Business As” (DBA)

To create an assumed name other than your official LLC business name, file a Statement of Intention to Transact Business Under an Assumed or Fictitious Name (Form MLLC-5) and pay a $125 filing fee.

$5 – Certified Document Copies

For $5, you may request certified copies of your Maine business paperwork from the Secretary of State.

$30 – Existence Certificate

This document, also known as a Maine certificate of good standing, can be obtained by contacting the Secretary of State and paying the $30 charge. Banks and financial institutions frequently demand proof of existence.

How to Form a Maine LLC on Your Own

This book will teach you about naming an LLC, acquiring a registered agent, the fees you must pay, Maine company taxes, and much more. We also go through how to register, file, and interact with the Maine Secretary of State’s Bureau of Corporations, Elections, and Commissions (BCEC).

  • Step 1: Choose a Name for your Maine LLC
  • Step 2: Choose a Registered Agent 
  • Step 3: File a Formation Certificate
  • Step 4: Create an Operating Agreement 
  • Step 5: Obtain an Employer Identification Number 

Step 1: Choose a Name for your Maine LLC [Standard Price: $20]


Next, ensure that no one else is able to utilize it for commercial purposes or on the internet. As a result, you must confirm that nobody else is using that name. To make sure the Internet Domain Name is accessible, you conduct a name search. Grab it right away if it’s still available (that will only cost a few dollars).

The words “limited liability company” or “limited company,” the abbreviations “L.L.C.,” “LLC,” “L.C.,” or “LC,” or, in the case of a low-profit limited liability company, “L3C” or “l3c,” are required for LLC names in Maine.

The name of your LLC must be distinct from that of other business organizations whose names are currently on record with the Maine Secretary of State. The business name database maintained by the Maine Secretary of State can be used to check the availability of names. By submitting an Application for Reservation of Name (MLLC-1) with the Secretary of State, you can reserve a name for up to 120 days. Reservation requests must be mailed in. There is a $20 filing fee.

You should register the nonprofit’s name as a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office if you wish to conduct business on a national scale or in a number of additional states (USPTO). Both time and money are needed for this procedure. While that application is being processed, the name continues to be secured as a common law trademark.

Apply to the Maine Secretary of State to get your federal trademark registered as a Maine trademark or service mark as soon as you receive it. Without a federal trademark, you can also trademark the Maine LLC name with simply the state.

If you want to do business using a DBA, you must register that name with the city clerk’s office in the location where you will be conducting business. The state of Maine does not maintain a database of DBA names.

You may now prevent anyone from using that name, and it complies with Maine law.


File Form MLLC-1 by Mail With the Maine Secretary of State


Fee: $20 (standard), $50 (expedited), $100 (immediate)

Mailing Address:
Secretary of State
Division of Corporations, UCC, and Commissions
101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333

Do I need a DBA or a Trade Name for my company? A DBA isn’t required for most LLCs. The LLC’s name can also be used as your company’s brand name, and you can take cheques and other forms of payment under that name. If you want to do business under a different name, you might want to register a DBA.

Step 2: Choose a Registered Agent [Price: $35]


Every Maine LLC is required to establish an agent for local service of process. This is a person or company that consents to take court documents on behalf of the LLC if it is sued. A registered agent might either be a person who lives in Maine or a company that is permitted to conduct business there. The registered agent needs to live in Maine and have a real street address. On the website of the Maine Department of State, you may find a list of commercial registered agents in Maine.

Choosing a Maine registered agent is an important step in the formation of your LLC. Your registered agent is responsible for adhering to Maine company law and safeguarding confidential legal and tax documents. In essence, you need a reliable agent.

You, another management in your company, or a specialist Registered Agent service can fill this position. If your Maine Registered Agent is a person, they must have a real street address in Maine and be available to receive necessary papers on your behalf during office hours. When you file your Certificate of Formation and legally start your business in Maine, you appoint your Registered Agent.

Mailing a Request for a Registered Agent

Download the Certificate of Formation ($175 filing fee necessary), fill out the appropriate fields, and mail it to Maine’s Secretary of State. Near the bottom of page 2, you’ll be prompted to submit the details for your registered agent.

Although you can act as your own registered agent, doing so imposes additional responsibilities on you in terms of paperwork and legal difficulties. It is often advisable to assign the responsibility to a qualified individual. You may prevent fines for late filings as well as the headache of doing it yourself by employing a registered agent service to ensure that your yearly reports and other documents are properly completed.

When choosing a registered agent service, you must be cautious since not all of them are made equal. We done some research for you, fortunately, and Northwest Registered Agent comes highly rated. Northwest provides LLC formation as well as registered agent services, and if you register your company with them, they will give you with a registered agent for free for a year. Although we feel they are the most reliable option, you may evaluate all of your options by reading our Best Registered Agent Services guide.

If you need to change registered agents or resign as a registered agent in Maine, see our extensive information on these topics.

Step 3: File a Formation Certificate [Price: $175]

Certificate of Formation

This is the most important (and expensive) piece of documentation you’ll file to form your Maine LLC; it costs $175, but because without it, your business doesn’t exist in the eyes of the state, it’s money well spent. Once the Certificate of Formation is authorized, you just need to file it once, and you won’t have to pay this fee again. Forms are available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Download the Certificate of Formation PDF from the Maine Secretary of State website.


The legal name of your LLC, the date it was formed, whether it is a professional or low-income LLC (if applicable), the name and CRA Public Number of your registered agent (if you have a commercial registered agent), and the name and address of your registered agent are all required to be included on your Certificate of Formation (if you have a noncommercial registered agent).

If you need help with this step, you’re in luck. There are several reputable LLC formation services available, and they will design and submit your Certificate of Formation on your behalf. There are various options for this service, but we prefer ZenBusiness. They provide wonderfully low pricing and complete services, and utilizing our promo code will save you 20%!

Before proceeding, it should be noted that when creating a Maine professional LLC, the Certificate of Formation form for normal LLCs should be used.


Download the Certificate of Formation PDF and submit it to the Maine Secretary of State’s office.


State Filing Cost: $175

Mailing Address:
Secretary of State Division of Corporations, UCC and Commissions
101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0101

Turnaround Time: The average processing time for corporation filings is 5 to 10 working days.

Step 4: Create an Operating Agreement [Price: FREE]


An operating agreement should be in place for every Maine LLC owner to secure their company’s activities. An operating agreement will create clear norms and expectations for your LLC while establishing your legitimacy as a legal company, in addition to being legally needed by the state.

What is a Maine LLC Operating Agreement? An operating agreement, which is a legal document, details the ownership structure and operational procedures of an LLC.

Although it is highly recommended, an LLC operating agreement is not necessary in Maine. This internal document lays out how your LLC will operate. It outlines the duties and rights of the management and members, as well as how the LLC will be run. By demonstrating that your LLC is really a separate legal organization from other businesses, it can also aid in maintaining your restricted liability. If your LLC does not have an operating agreement, state LLC legislation will control its operations.

Purpose of an Operating Agreement for a Maine LLC

You’ll need an operating agreement regardless of the sort of Maine LLC you’re forming. This is why:

  • It’s a state-mandated requirement. Every Maine LLC must have an operating agreement in place, according to Maine Revised Statutes Section 31-1531(1B).
  • It will keep your company partners from fighting. If you’re forming a multi-member LLC, having an operating agreement in place will help you avoid misunderstandings by defining each partner’s position and obligations.
  • It aids in the preservation of your limited liability status. If you’re the only owner of a single-member LLC in Maine, an operating agreement will assist guarantee that your limited liability status is sustained by court authorities, as well as contribute to your company’s overall credibility.

Therefore, even if you might theoretically establish an operating agreement by discussing it, it’s crucial that your LLC has a strong operating agreement on paper. Should members of the LLC have a falling out and decide to take their disputes to court, an oral agreement will simply not do. Additionally, if you skip this step, Maine’s default LLC statutes will be applied to your LLC’s operations. Since your operating agreement is an internal document, you are not required to submit it to the state. This indicates that you should keep it securely filed with other significant LLC papers.

Step 5: Obtain an Employer Identification Number [Price: FREE]


To identify your company to the IRS, you’ll need an EIN. When filing and paying taxes, or submitting payroll information and payments for your employees, you utilize this number. To create a business bank account, an EIN is also necessary. You can get one from the IRS get one for you as part of the Maine LLC creation procedure.

What is the purpose of having an EIN? An EIN is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Open a bank account for your business.
  • Taxes are filed and managed at the federal and state levels.
  • Employ people.

What if my single proprietorship already has an EIN? When changing to an LLC, the IRS requires sole proprietorships to get a new EIN.

Where can I obtain an EIN? The IRS will provide you with an EIN for free. Obtaining an EIN is a simple procedure that may be completed online or through mail.

Most of the time, sure. The goal of forming an LLC is to legally separate you from your company (and gain liability protection). Legally, you are only required to get an EIN if you are taxed as a company or have workers. Nevertheless, obtaining an EIN for your Maine LLC creates even another barrier between your personal data and the LLC. Additionally, practically all banks want an EIN in order to create a business bank account. An extra benefit of having an EIN for your LLC is that you won’t have to provide your social security number to suppliers or possible business partners.

Sanctions that Might Apply If These Costs Are Avoided

The expenditures for certain Maine LLCs are suddenly growing much higher. You may be wondering what the consequences of missing any or all of these fees might be. In other words, failing to make any mandatory payments is not in the best interests of your LLC.

If you do not pay the filing fee connected with your Certificate of Formation, your LLC will not exist. If you do not pay your Annual Report fee on time, the state may administratively dissolve your firm. Meanwhile, failing to pay your taxes may result in severe fines for both you and your firm.

Even though it appears that these charges are piling up quickly, paying these fines is still a lot better option than the alternative. If you don’t have the funds to pay the LLC formation fees, you can operate as a single proprietor.

Steps to Take After Creating an LLC

Keep your personal and business assets separate.

If your personal and company accounts are combined, your personal assets (such as your house, vehicle, and other possessions) are at danger if your Maine LLC is sued. This is referred to as penetrating the corporate veil in business law.

You may begin safeguarding your Maine LLC by taking the following steps:

1. Open a business checking account:

  • Why create a separate bank account exclusively for your company? Because you risk losing your liability protections if you combine your personal and corporate money. Having the integrity of your LLC requires maintaining separate financial accounts. A separate bank account in your LLC’s name will make you appear much more professional.

2. Obtaining a business credit card:

  • Assists in categorizing and separating all business costs for tax purposes at the end of the year.
  • Aids in the development of your business credit score, which is a necessary step in obtaining a line of credit or a business loan in the future.
  • Allows you to keep track of department spending by giving your staff various cards (each with a different budget).

3. Hiring a business accountant:

  • Avoids overpaying taxes and helps you avoid penalties, fines, and other costly tax mistakes by hiring a company accountant.
  • Allows you to concentrate more time on your expanding business by simplifying bookkeeping and payroll.
  • Improves the management of your company’s funds by identifying areas of unanticipated loss or profit.

Employee Recruitment

If you want to hire staff, follow these measures to keep in compliance with the law:

  • Verify that new hires are eligible to work in the United States.
  • Employees should be reported to the state as “new hires.”
  • Employees should be covered by workers’ compensation insurance.
  • Employee taxes should be withheld.
  • Print workplace compliance posters and install them in prominent locations across your office.

What is Maine’s minimum wage? Maine’s minimum wage is $12.75 per hour.

When do I have to pay my employees? Employers in Maine are expected to pay employees on a regular basis, which cannot be more than 16 days apart.

Additional Info.: How to Dissolve Your Maine LLC

If you no longer operate a business in Maine, you can dissolve your Maine LLC. This is also accomplished with the Secretary of State by filling out the Certificate of Cancellation (MLLC-11C). The charge to process the form and dissolve the corporation is $75. Make certain that all bank accounts and tax registrations are closed.

FAQ: Maine LLC – Various Costs

Obtain Expert Assistance When Forming an LLC in the State of Maine

Forming an LLC in Maine may be a difficult and time-consuming procedure. It may be beneficial to have some assistance, and we have compiled a list of two of the best LLC creation services currently available.

#1 – ZenBusiness can assist you with forming an LLC in the state of Maine

ZenBusiness provides low-cost LLC formation services that include a variety of useful extras. Two of these qualities will benefit the great majority of limited liability corporations. With the purchase of any ZenBusiness product, you will receive one year of free registered agent service. By choosing their Pro and Premium services, they ensure that you will be in compliance with the law. As part of this assurance, ZenBusiness will file your yearly report and notify you if anything more has to be done on your end to comply with state rules. Those with the basic plan have the option of purchasing worry-free compliance for $119 each year.

ZenBusiness will help you form a limited liability corporation in Maine for $175. They have gotten over 4500 verified reviews, resulting to a 98 percent overall customer satisfaction rating.

$0 + State Fees

star rating image

Rating: 4.8/5
Review count: 4830+

ZenBusiness-new logo

Form an LLC today with ZenBusiness for only $0 + State fees. They Have 98% customer satisfaction rating and over 4830+ verified reviews.

#2 – Use Northwest Registered Agent to form an LLC in Maine

Because of their decades of business expertise, Northwest Registered Agent is a top source of exceptional LLC formation services. They deliver excellent customer service while keeping a high degree of understanding. The major advantage they provide, however, is the privacy they provide. They do not build their own code, do not sell your information, and do not subcontract any of their services. They also do not sell your information.

Northwest is now equipped to assist you with incorporating an LLC in the state of Maine. They have over 4150 verified reviews and a 98 percent satisfaction rating from their consumers. They will also provide you with a complimentary year of registered agent service!

$39+State Fees

star rating image

Rating: 4.9/5
Review count: 4850+


Form an LLC today with Nortwest. They have 98% customer satisfaction rating and over 4150+ verified reviews. They will include 1 year of free registered agent service!

For Closing

Maine is far less expensive than other company types. You may be liable for the registered agent’s fees, as well as state filing fees and yearly taxes. Compare costs to find the most affordable professional LLC service.

Each year, over 4,000 new LLCs are formed in Maine as a consequence of the benefits of doing so.

The total cost shouldn’t exceed:

  • $0 + state fees if you’re forming a basic LLC with all the basic options with ZenBusiness.
  • $39 + state fees if you’re forming a top-notch LLC with Northwest.
  • ~$175 if you’re forming an LLC yourself.

Even though your company is based in Maine, you may form a Delaware LLC if you desire more independence and security.

As a result, there are still some ways you may choose a low-cost company formation organization to handle your Certificate of Formation filing and provide registered agent service, which is one way you can still make financially sound decisions about your LLC formation and maintenance fees.

Get Some More Knowledge About Business & LLCs

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