Updated on: July 26th, 2024

Real Estate LLC – “How to Form It, Pros & Cons Revealed”

Hire Professionals to Start a Real Estate LLC Today (from $0 + state fees)

Are you planning to invest in real estate? Then a real estate Limited Liability Company (LLC) may be the option for you. This type of company reduces your personal risk while still granting you control over its profits! Discover more about the advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to set one up with our insightful guide on real estate LLCs.

If you want to skip the hassle of starting an LLC yourself, consider using professional help:

What Is A Real Estate LLC & Why Would You Need One?

Investing in real estate with an LLC is a great way to protect yourself from personal liability. With this legal structure, any business related to the property – such as purchasing or selling – is done through the name of the LLC rather than your own.
This prevents you from being personally responsible should any outside entities or individuals make a claim against you. Furthermore, establishing separate LLCs for each individual property ensures that cross-liability between properties cannot occur either!

Real Estate LLC vs. Liability Insurance

For those investors not wanting to go through the hassle of forming an LLC, they may rely on liability insurance instead. This option is cost-effective but can involve risks due to exclusions and restrictions in the policies provided. Despite this, LLCs are becoming increasingly preferred by real estate investors as it provides them with greater protection.

Difference Between Owning Real Estate via LLC and Sole Proprietorship

While a sole proprietorship is an easy business formation process, since you don’t need to file any legal paperwork or create a formal structure, the downside is that it will not provide your business with much liability protection. Furthermore, there won’t be any distinction between your personal and company assets; thus leaving you vulnerable in case someone decides to sue for damages against one of your properties.
And remember, real estate is expensive and it can do pretty big harm to your personal finances if things don’t go as planned.

Pros and Cons of Real Estate LLC

Here are a few Pros and Cons that every Real Estate Business owner should go through before proceeding with their Real Estate Investing.


Creating a real estate LLC has many advantages that make it attractive to a variety of stakeholders.

  • A real estate LLC is a business structure that provides limited liability protection and allows the owner to divide ownership interest among various investors or partners.
  • Furthermore, it can facilitate tax savings due to the ability to pass expenses and income down through different entities.
  • Additionally, the flexibility of an LLC allows for the shedding of certain assets with ease and can provide more agility in decision-making than other corporate entities.
  • The simplicity of record keeping combined with sections for “self-employment” taxes keeps paperwork at a manageable level.
  • Last but not least, forming an LLC makes it easier to raise large amounts of capital from potential investors as it provides comfort in knowing their contributions will be securely protected and returns may be realized more quickly.

Clearly, there are numerous advantages that come along with forming a real estate LLC which should be taken into account when considering your investment strategy.


Real estate LLCs may provide attractive tax and asset protection benefits, however, it is important to understand the drawbacks of pursuing this business structure.

  • First, the cost associated with setting up a real estate LLC can be quite significant in comparison to other entities. This is because of both the upfront legal fees as well as multistate filings and ongoing compliance required.
  • The second disadvantage is that a real estate LLC can be subject to self-employment tax which can increase their overall tax burden relative to Corporations or S Corporations.
  • Lastly, holding real property in an LLC could also limit an investor’s ability to utilize certain financing programs due to potential liquidity issues.

Understanding these potential drawbacks is essential before forming a Real Estate LLC is chosen.

Real Estate LLC Benefits

Launching a real estate LLC is an advantageous move that can bring numerous benefits, whether they be fiscal savings, tax advantages, or protection from lawsuits and similar events. Plus, it’s not too difficult to create one on your own.
Now let’s take a look at all the benefits that a real estate LLC could give you:

1. Reduces Your Taxes

LLCs can’t completely eliminate your tax burden, yet they are able to diminish it. Pass-through taxation for real estate LLCs means that all revenue gained is only taxed on your personal income via a Schedule D form; this eliminates the requirement of paying additional taxes from another business structure. Additionally, you could be eligible for a 20% deduction off of your personal taxes if you use an LLC to manage rental property incomes!

2. Allows You to Invest with Partners

An LLC allows you to seamlessly incorporate multiple partners into the business. Instead of dealing with time-consuming deed modifications that require permission from your lender, all you need is a modified operating agreement outlining the partner’s percentage ownership and how they will divide profits and losses. This convenient setup simplifies everything while ensuring everyone has an equitable stake in the company.

3. Limits Your Personal Liability

Possessing an LLC has many advantages for investors, particularly in regard to protecting their personal assets. If they own a property without the benefit of this legal entity, then they would be personally named and exposed in any lawsuit filed against that asset. By having an LLC, however, investors can safeguard their financial well-being by limiting potential liability from lawsuits. Owning a property under an LLC can be incredibly helpful for investors since it reduces their risk of being held liable in a lawsuit. Rather than having to use personal assets as defense, the liability would fall on the LLC instead – which creates a protective boundary between them and their own possessions.

4. Filing in a Different State

You don’t have to limit yourself to registering an LLC in the state where you live. Filing for an LLC somewhere else could bring multiple advantages and more lenient laws, even though this may require a bit more paperwork and potential costs. Still, these extra benefits can add up quickly, making it a sensible investment of your time!

5. Better Mortgage Terms

For those who are registered with a company, such as an LLC, mortgage lenders will often provide more beneficial loan terms and interest rates than if you were just borrowing funds on your own. This makes the process far less daunting for business owners than facing it alone!

6. Tax Benefits

Forming an LLC is a great way to prevent double taxation on your properties. It allows you to distinguish the LLC’s possessions from your individual ones and file taxes suitably. The real estate holdings that you own as an LLC will be exempt from personal tax filing, allowing for greater autonomy between business and private finances. C corps or S corps don’t share this advantage, so if this benefit falls within your priority list then forming an LLC should certainly be taken into consideration.

To gain all the protections and tax benefits of an LLC for your real estate investment business, it is best to legally form the company before acquiring your first piece of property.

How To Set Up a Real Estate LLC Yourself?

There’s some great news if you’re interested in forming a real estate LLC: the process is almost identical to creating any other type of LLC! Head over to our comprehensive guide on setting up an LLC for more information about each step.

1. Research Regulations

The process of forming an LLC may be different depending on the state, with fees and rules being modified. Most businesses decide to incorporate in their own state; yet some choose locations that have more flexible business laws like Delaware or Nevada.

If you have a physical presence in multiple states or plan on doing business across state lines, it is essential for you to register your foreign limited liability company (LLC) in every state. The decision of which state to select lies entirely with you – make sure that you take the time and do thorough research before taking any action. All necessary information can be found on the respective Secretary of State’s website.

2. Decide on Your Name


To ensure your LLC stands out, it is wise to include words like “real estate” or “properties” within the name. Remember that you must also append the designator “LLC” at the end of this title. Further, certain regulations in each state dictate which words are not allowed in an LLC’s name without obtaining special permission from authorities; for instance, New York forbids use of terms such as mortgage and investment unless one operates a financial services entity. Additionally, do note that urban development is completely barred by law!

After you have discovered the perfect name for your business, it is essential to make sure that this isn’t already taken. Your local secretary of state office should maintain a list of all businesses in your area that can be checked. That way, you can confirm whether or not the desired name is still available and then proceed with registering it!

3. Choose the Registered Agent


Carefully select a reliable individual, whether it be yourself, an employee or a third-party company to fulfill the role of the registered agent for your LLC. It is paramount that this person lives in the same state where you are registering the business.

Here are our recommended Agent service providers:

  • Northwest Registered Agent services is the perfect choice for those seeking to establish a new business and gain access to a registered agent, with a full LLC creation package starting at only $39 + state fees.


4. Create Your Articles of Organization


The Articles of Organization, or the Certificate of Formation, is a crucial document that captures all key elements in relation to your LLC such as its name, purpose and management structure. Make sure you fill out the state-mandated form correctly and have each business owner sign it before submitting it to your respective state agency. In some states like New York and Nebraska however, an advertisement must be placed in a local newspaper prior to filing any paperwork – this serves as an essential notification for those who may be interested parties concerning the new LLC’s formation.

5. Create an Operating Agreement


The articles of the organization act as the foundation for your business, providing basic information about its structure. However, if you want a clearer blueprint outlining how to run it successfully, an operating agreement is what you need! It’s like giving your business a finely-tuned roadmap detailing everything from:

  • For investors to receive profits,
  • Learn what options are available for exiting the LLC
  • Understand how business operations will be financed.

While it may not be mandatory to create an operating agreement, it’s essential to construct a document that outlines all of the details so you can avoid future discrepancies with your partners. With this preemptive measure in place, disagreements will become clearer and easier to overcome.

6. Follow Other State/Federal Requirements


Establishing your LLC is merely the initial step in being lawfully prepared to purchase properties as a distinct entity. It’s likely you’ll also require acquiring a general business authorization, filing for an employer identification number (EIN) from the IRS and completing annual reports regarding the condition of your company too. The exact requirements can differ across states; hence it is wise to check out what applies in yours on their website first.

EIN number is also essential for your business bank account.

Fundamental Mistakes To Avoid When Starting An LLC for Real Estate

Setting up a real estate LLC is essential for safeguarding your investments, but it can also be daunting to new investors. To help you navigate the complexities of forming an LLC, here are some common pitfalls that you should strive to avoid:

1. Waiting To Form Your LLC

Investing in a real estate LLC is an essential step for any new investor. By placing your business under the protective umbrella of a limited liability company, you are immediately safeguarding yourself from potential liabilities and allowing yourself to take advantage of numerous tax deductions as soon as possible. Establishing this type of legal separation between you and your investments will provide lasting peace of mind along with financial benefits that far outweigh its minimal cost.

Creating a real estate LLC can be the difference between success and failure for an investor, as this structure offers them a layer of credibility unlike any other. It signals to potential clients that they are dealing with professionals who take their business seriously, creating a trust that competitors may not have access to.

For novice investors, creating an LLC is a must-do; however, it’s important to remember that each state has its own set of rules when it comes to filing requirements and protection. Nevada, for example, is known for having the best asset protection laws in place if you choose to register your business there. So don’t wait too long – pull the trigger early on to form an LLC so you can reap all the benefits!

2. Ignoring Corporate Layers

Investors often make the miscalculation of selecting an incompatible LLC structure when forming a real estate LLC, thus forfeiting access to all possible tax deductions available.

Due to LLCs being pass-through entities, profits are taxed through their owner’s individual income tax filings. This allows investors the ability to avoid corporate taxes and double taxation. With that said, it is essential to understand there can be various subsidiaries of LLCs when considering an investment in real estate such as buy & hold properties, rentals, rehab projects, or even wholesale options.

Subsidizing a real estate LLC is an advantageous technique for investors with multiple investments to distribute their company’s resources across different business entities, thus eliminating risk further. This practice isn’t very complex and is comparable to forming a normal LLC. To read more about this procedure or gain knowledge of the rules when initiating an LLC, potential investors are encouraged to visit SBA.Org.

3. Piercing the Corporate Veil

Establishing a real estate LLC yields numerous advantages, such as protection from personal liability and maintaining control without losing your ownership. However, if done incorrectly, forming an LLC can result in the rejection of its benefits. An LLC is merely the structure of a corporation so it alone will not provide enough defense against legal responsibility.

Engaging in fraudulent activity or mixing personal and business funds can easily shatter the corporate shield that a limited liability company (LLC) provides, leaving you exposed to potential liability. It is firmly essential for entrepreneurs to differentiate between their own money and that of the LLC since mingling them together will break down this legal distinction. Such an act could create major problems by breaching the conditions of your real estate LLC.

4. Not Hiring a Professional

As an investor, it may be tempting to take on every task yourself, but when it comes to handling legal and tax matters in your business, the best decision you can make is to consult a qualified attorney and knowledgeable tax advisor. With their expert advice, you will always have peace of mind knowing that you are making informed decisions moving forward.

As a real estate entrepreneur, remember that your expertise lies elsewhere. It’s beneficial to have an understanding of corporate structures and tax loopholes; however, you should use other areas of the business to focus the majority of your energy. When you outsource this task to experts in their field, they will ensure that all legal requirements are met while providing full protection for yourself and your company as well as maximizing every potential tax advantage available. With everything perfectly in place, it’ll be easy for you to take your venture into its next stage!

5. Lacking Due Diligence

Without a doubt, one of the most common missteps investors make when forming a real estate LLC is overlooking the essential due diligence. Even if you have spent significant time and energy establishing your business, all that hard work can be completely undone without appropriate legal precautions in place. When starting out with your real estate career, ensure to take all proper steps including preparing and planning ahead—especially when creating an LLC!

This essential step not only determines how you and your business are taxed but also safeguards it from any legal obstacles. Understanding the basics of an LLC and applying them to your organization is necessary for success now, next year, or many years down the line. Taking advantage of this knowledge will put entrepreneurs in a position to succeed financially as well as protect their assets over time.

6. Underestimating the Cost and Commitment

Unbeknownst to many, forming an LLC necessitates long-term dedication. It’s not a one-time deal; you’ll need to invest both time and money annually in order for your business to remain compliant. Unfortunately, too many hopeful entrepreneurs don’t anticipate how demanding this can be.

Before they register their LLCs, James Gilmer of Harbor Compliance wants to ensure that entrepreneurs are aware of what they’re getting into. He encourages them to explore the legal responsibilities associated with maintaining an LLC in good standing – for instance, hefty franchise tax fees of $800 per year may apply in California. Being well-informed on such obligations can save entrepreneurs from a costly surprise later on!

To remain compliant, many states require businesses to submit an annual report. Although this process is relatively simple, entrepreneurs should factor in the potential penalties and fees for late filing into their budgeting plans to avoid any unpleasant surprises down the line. By staying organized and planning ahead of time, business owners can ensure that these costs do not impede on their success.

Get Professional Help in Forming a Real Estate LLC

It can be difficult and time-consuming to form an LLC all by yourself.
That’s why we decided to give you a few of the best options for professional services that can help you start an LLC in no time & with 0 effort!

#1 – Create an LLC Using Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest has vast experience in creating LLCs and Corporations. They by far have the best support and client satisfaction rate. We’ve used and tested them ourselves and can guarantee that they’ll do an exceptional job for you.
You can read our extensive Northwest review here.

$39+State Fees

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Rating: 4.9/5
Review count: 4850+


Form an LLC today with Nortwest. They have 98% customer satisfaction rating and over 4150+ verified reviews. They will include 1 year of free registered agent service!

#2 – ZenBusiness Will Form an LLC For You

ZenBusiness is one of our top-rated LLC services as well. They have a super value-to-price ratio. And it’s perfect for those who are looking for the cheapest option to form their LLCs. When we tested their service — they’ve done a great job, so we can honestly recommend them.
To know more about them — read our ZenBusiness review here.

$0 + State Fees

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Rating: 4.8/5
Review count: 4830+

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Form an LLC today with ZenBusiness for only $0 + State fees. They Have 98% customer satisfaction rating and over 4830+ verified reviews.


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