Updated on: July 26th, 2024

How to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency? (Easy to Follow Guide)

From an LLC for Your Social Media Marketing Agency Today (from $0 + state fees)

Moving from mere daydreams to the actual planning of your own social agency requires thoughtful consideration. If you want to develop an agency that is both successful and esteemed, then doing proper research is a must. As we present our insights related to starting up a social media marketing agency here in this article, gain access to not only hacks but also lessons for learning about how best to begin yours!

As for any business, you will also need an LLC for your social media marketing agency. You can create one yourself easily by following our step-by-step guide on how to start an LLC.

If you want to skip the hassle of starting an SMM LLC yourself, consider using professional help for the best price in the market:

Pros and Cons of Starting Your Social Media Marketing Agency

All small business owners that are looking to start their own social media marketing agencies must take a look at these Pros and Cons before going further into social media marketing services.


Starting a social media marketing agency can be filled with daunting tasks however there are some great benefits that come along with it.

  • First, you are able to take control of your career and chart your own success.
  • Second, working as an agency owner allows you to become an expert in your own field – enabling you to stay up-to-date on trends and practices in social media marketing.
  • Third, starting your own business gives you the freedom to work from wherever you want.
  • Fourth, it is an opportunity to grow and expand the scope of your client base which helps bring the potential for higher profits.
  • Finally, launching your own business gives you the ability to build strong relationships with clients, all while creating excellent content that resonates with them.

In summary, these five pros demonstrate why starting a Social Media Marketing Agency is a great choice for many entrepreneurs looking for more freedom and independence in their careers.


Starting a social media marketing agency could be a great way to launch a career in digital media, but it is not without its cons.

  • Firstly, there is a lot of competition within the industry and it can be difficult to stand out amongst other agencies that offer similar services.
  • Secondly, social media is constantly changing and evolving so staying on top of the latest trends and technologies requires dedicated resources such as research time and money.
  • Lastly, when starting an agency you will need to build up your portfolio of clients before you can see any real returns from your efforts.

It takes patience and dedication to acquire those all-important customers in the beginning, but if done correctly this initial effort will pay off.

Potential Risks to Keep in Mind Before Starting Your Own Social Media Agency

When considering starting your own social media agency, it is important to take a few potential risks into account.

  • First of all, you should anticipate the unpredictability of the industry — as algorithms and trends are constantly changing, you will need to be able to keep up with the ever-evolving climate.
  • Secondly, much of success in this field can come down to luck, so it’s essential to be well-prepared either way.
  • Finally, staying informed about relevant policies and regulations is key; by doing that one can avoid issues due to non-compliance.

It is wise to carefully consider these potential risks before starting a social media agency of your own.

Major Benefits of Starting Your Social Media Marketing Agency

Starting a social media marketing agency can be the key to success for any modern business.

  • It offers incredible advantages, including increased brand visibility, cost savings, and enhanced customer engagement.
  • Businesses of all sizes are discovering the value of using a dedicated social media marketing agency.
  • A good agency can help you create effective content tailored to your target audience, manage campaigns across multiple platforms, and connect with customers in genuine ways without breaking the bank.
  • An experienced team can also help you respond quickly to industry changes, develop creative strategies for measuring success, and make integrated campaigns across different channels that elevate your brand above the competition.
  • When done correctly, leveraging a social media marketing agency is a smart move that positions you as an industry leader and provides measurable benefits.

Growth Potential for an SMM Business

The outlook for social media marketing is incredibly promising, especially as its use continues to rise. While individual platforms may experience different levels of success over time, the overall global audience of social media users will only continue to grow exponentially.

This widespread adoption presents endless possibilities for those who are able to effectively connect with an increasingly discriminating population. People don’t want more ads – they’re seeking out meaningful and authentic content on these platforms that can meet their demands and interests in a new way.

6-Steps Guide on How to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency (Easy to Follow)

Here are five tips for starting your own social media marketing agency:

1. Define Your Niche

Before you make any progress, it’s essential to figure out what your niche is. Refining your specialty can help you clarify the services offered and also who these services are meant for. Your agency could be particular to an industry (B2B, tech, beauty etc) or even platform-specific. Just take TikTok marketing agencies as a case in point – they typically specialize in creative video production and talent management.

There are a few methods for this that I want you to consider… Use your LinkedIn account. Just as simple as adding new connections, and sending them direct messages. Personalize it. This is hard work but will absolutely get a conversation going! Prep a list of local businesses that you want to target and start to email their decision makers (owners, principles, founders, presidents, marketing managers, etc.)

After you ascertain your niche, start deliberating on the assortment of services to offer. Nowadays, agencies provide creative, strategic, and tactical guidance across all social media channels. Publishing content regularly, creating strategies for campaigns and advertisements in addition to managing contests are just a few examples of what can be offered as an agency service. Specialization is incredibly common due to the flexibility that comes with offering various services – this was seen in our Agency Pricing & Packaging Report where 33% deemed themselves full-service companies!

Consider how you’d like to bill your customers, too. You may opt for a la carte services, value-based pricing, packaged services, or standard pricing with personalized add-ons – and even alter the approach for each client!

2. Determine the Services (and Pricing) You Want to Offer

After selecting your niche, it’s time to decide which services and pricing you’d like to provide. Social media marketing provides an assortment of offerings – some that you’ll be able to offer and others that won’t fit into the scope of your business. To give a few examples, social media agencies may consider incorporating these options:

  • Social media strategy
  • Account creation, branding, and growth
  • Social media and community management
  • Content creation: Copywriting, Graphic design, Platform-specific content (IG Reels, TikToks, 140-character Tweets)
  • Content publishing
  • Research and analysis
  • Social media consulting

Providing clients with the best value for their money is essential when it comes to a business’s success. For instance, while you may be qualified in graphic design and social media copywriting, other aspects such as account creation or growth could push them out of your roster of services. Additionally, some customers might want extensive reports on their progress while others are content without them. Your agency should also have well-defined processes established in order to ensure that everything runs smoothly and according to plan – Anna Sullivan from The Creative Exchange shared how not having these could cause long-term damage for the company! Last but certainly not least, proper pricing strategies need to be implemented so that everyone involved has an understanding of what is expected from each party in terms of cost and product delivery.

3. Create a Business Plan


It’s said that a dream without a plan is just an idle wish – the same can be applied to developing your social media marketing agency. It’s essential to create a business plan as well as have secure financial footing in order for you to make decisions confidently and stay afloat while running the company.

To start a new business you must have a proper business plan that includes a Proper Marketing Strategy.

If you want your venture to thrive, everything must be planned with precision. A business plan is a perfect way to create a roadmap for success. It will provide direction and make every step of starting or running your business simpler and more efficient than ever before!

When creating a business plan, it is important to include strategies and tactics that will aid in marketing and promotional efforts. Additionally, activities should be included which can help build brand visibility or grow the market share. With this clarity on what steps must be taken next, your business plan should incorporate essential components such as:

  • Executive summary
  • Explain briefly what your agency is going to do and cover the highlights of your detailed business plan and strategies.
  • Opportunity
  • Highlight the situation and problem that is occurring and how your social media marketing agency is solving the specific problem, the exact solution, whom you plan to sell, and how your service fits into the existing business landscape and the market.
  • Execution
  • This comprehensive strategy outlines your action plans and objectives in order to accomplish a specific goal. It encompasses sales and marketing initiatives, operational management principles, success metrics, as well as the anticipated accomplishments you hope to reach.
  • Company overview & team
  • In order to successfully satisfy your customers, it is essential for them to understand who comprises the team behind your company and how those individuals are positioned in relation to one another. This knowledge will undoubtedly allow you and your clients peace of mind when recognizing that results are guaranteed from a professional staff with an organized hierarchy.
  • Financial plan
  • Unlock the potential of your business and achieve long-term success by forecasting monthly sales and revenues. Establish a realistic timeline for up to five years in advance, giving you an invaluable roadmap that will empower your ambitions!

4. Build and Nurture Your Clientele

Securing clients is an essential component of establishing a successful marketing agency. It’s vital to be aware that the number of potential customers you can cater to will depend on your company size.

Our research indicates that there are the typical figures for average client numbers according to agency size:

  • A huge portion of SMM agencies averages between 5-10 clients, with an additional 32% averaging only 1-5 customers.
  • The majority of mid-sized agencies (31%) manage an average of 5 to 10 clients, with 28% taking on approximately 10 to 20 customers.
  • Approximately 25% of enterprise agencies manage between 10-20 clients, 19% have a client base ranging from 20-40 customers and the remaining 16% oversee over 40.

Are you new to running your own agency? If so, there are multiple ways to expand your client base. Here are a few strategies that will help get the ball rolling:

  • Make a compelling case to customers who share your industry, and demonstrate how you are the perfect solution for their needs.
  • Tap into your existing connections to gain new clients and projects.
  • Make the most of conferences by attending them to build meaningful connections and relationships in person.
  • Scour freelance websites for potential opportunities so you can build a lucrative client base.
  • Tap into the power of social selling and utilize online platforms like LinkedIn to discover potential customers.
  • Host informative events such as webinars to expand your brand recognition and visibility.
  • Demonstrate your company’s values by volunteering discounted or complimentary services to a charity organization. Not only will you be helping those in need, but it is also an excellent opportunity for gaining experience!

5. Hire Employees

As your business blooms, Along with your existing clients you may find the need to bring on additional staff but keep in mind your budget and business expenses. Don’t worry if you don’t have a full team right away – that’s perfectly normal!

When first launching your agency, it is important to consider the financial resources available for hire. Start by evaluating the skills of any current team members and determine which roles are essential for success in those early stages.

Some key positions include a content writer, graphic designer, lead generation marketer, and accountant – these individuals can help set up everything you need to get your business off the ground. As time goes on however and funds increase then surely that number can grow!

Another important factor is that the candidate must be an expert in social media services.


  • Social Media Platforms
  • Create Social Media Posts
  • Use Social Media Tools
  • Social Media Management.

6. Track Your Growth and Improve Your Portfolio

Being a Social Media Agency Owner launching a successful social media marketing agency isn’t an instant process. Use tracking and analytics to understand what strategies have been working, as well as identify the ones that need work. Even the most experienced agencies analyze their strategies in order to keep growing; so make it part of your business routine, and review progress regularly for maximum success!

It’s important to continue growing your portfolio in addition to tracking the progress you’ve made. An impressive portfolio is essential for attracting potential clients and will demonstrate why they should choose your agency over other competitors. Whenever you complete a project, make sure it gets added right away!

Additionally, consider adding client testimonials or case studies showcasing success stories — this will enhance the strength of your experience even more.

Three Time-Saving Social Media Agency Hacks

As an entrepreneur in the world of social media, it’s crucial to remain up-to-date on practices and trends. To help you succeed with your agency or management career, here are my top three tips for social media marketing agency owners and social media managers.

1. Allow Flexible Working Hours

Consider the possibility of scheduling flexibility for your employees. Imagine you have two social media managers and one a night owl, while the other is an early bird; this could give you coverage across multiple time zones in real-time to cater to broader regions! By allowing some degree of working hour variety, it may be possible that everyone can benefit: clients would receive better service!

2. Plan Your Content in Advance

For your own business and those of your clients, always set aside time for the creation of audiovisual pieces, artwork, and content. Additionally, scout for special dates related to their industry that could be used as part of an effective marketing strategy. By working at least four weeks in advance but having a general idea about what will happen within the subsequent half a year you can ensure success!

3. Automate Tasks

Automate anything you can with the help of scheduling tools, chatbots on social media, email auto-responses, RSS feeds, and automatic media monitoring. Utilizing automation can save a ton of time in the long run until it eventually becomes necessary to bring a human into the picture.

Hire Professionals to Form an SMM Agency LLC for You

It can be difficult and time-consuming to start an LLC all by yourself.
That’s why we decided to give you a few of the best options for professional LLC services that can help you start an LLC in no time & with 0 effort!

#1 – Create an LLC Using Northwest Registered Agent

Northwest has vast experience in creating LLCs and Corporations. They by far have the best support and client satisfaction rate. We’ve used and tested them ourselves and can guarantee that they’ll do an exceptional job for you.
You can read Northwest review here.

$39+State Fees

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Rating: 4.9/5
Review count: 4850+


Form an LLC today with Nortwest. They have 98% customer satisfaction rating and over 4150+ verified reviews. They will include 1 year of free registered agent service!

#2 – ZenBusiness Will Form an LLC For You

ZenBusiness is one of our top-rated LLC services as well. They have a super value-to-price ratio. And it’s perfect for those who are looking for the cheapest option to form their LLCs. When we tested their service — they’ve done a great job, so we can honestly recommend them.
To know more about them — read our ZenBusiness review here.

$0 + State Fees

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Rating: 4.8/5
Review count: 4830+

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Form an LLC today with ZenBusiness for only $0 + State fees. They Have 98% customer satisfaction rating and over 4830+ verified reviews.

Last Words

Congratulations on reaching the end of this guide!
We sincerely hope that by now, you’ve learned how to set up your social media agency and are well on your way to success. Oftentimes people struggle with knowing where to begin and through this guide, we’ve provided you with all the information and support you need to build a successful SMM business.
Remember, social media marketing is a continually changing sphere, so never stop learning. Keep reading industry articles and attending seminars in order to stay up-to-date – it will help you be successful in the long run. With this knowledge in hand, you now have all the insight necessary to leverage social media for growth. Good luck on your journey -we wish you nothing but success!


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